Terms of Service (TOS) for ChilledBot

Last updated: 18/08/2023

Welcome to ChilledBot! By using our Discord bot, you agree to abide by the following Terms of Use. Please read these terms carefully before using ChilledBot.

1. Usage of the Bot:

  • ChilledBot is provided to enable users to listen to Lo-Fi music 24/7 on their Discord servers.
  • Users are allowed to utilize the bot for its intended purpose, but spamming commands that may slow down the bot is prohibited.

2. User-Generated Content:

  • Messages and commands sent to ChilledBot are not considered user-generated content, except for commands.
  • We strive to provide neutral music for relaxation purposes only. Offensive content will be promptly removed, and users are encouraged to report any offensive music.

3. User Responsibility:

  • Users are responsible for all commands they execute using ChilledBot.

4. Intellectual Property Rights:

  • ChilledBot and its content are owned by Disc Solutions, a French nonprofit organization.
  • The bot redistributes music that is meant to be royalty-free. Users are credited via the /nowplaying command and the bot's status. If a track is no longer royalty-free, it will be removed.

5. Service Modifications:

  • Changes impacting users are posted in our support server's channel. Some minor changes may not be announced.
  • We reserve the right to modify or suspend the service at any time.

6. Limitation of Liability:

  • We are responsible for technical issues caused by our team. Issues caused by third parties (hosting, Discord, etc.) are beyond our control.

7. Termination:

  • We may block users from accessing the bot for violating these terms.
  • Users will need to realize the termination on their own.

8. Data Protection:

  • We store minimal confidential data securely.
  • Collected data is used solely for the bot's functioning, not for personal purposes by the ChilledBot team.

9. Disputes:

  • As there are no paid services involved, disputes cannot be claimed.

10. Contact:

For questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, users can contact us on our support server.